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Today's Weird Question

Either the gasoline gummed up / varnished inside the jets / needles / valves, or you're using ethanol mix gasoline, which is a bad thing for the rubber in your fuel system. It can cause the rubber to swell and/or break up into bits and clog the system.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]or you're using ethanol mix gasoline[/QUOTE]

Not me!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]the gasoline gummed up / varnished inside the jets / needles / valves[/QUOTE]

I called myself draining & fogging everything last Fall at the end of the driving season...at least the tank was empty so I added new gas (& a new battery) before attempting to start it - drained all that & added more new today but no difference....tomorrow I'm gonna pull the carbs again, take them apart, clean, & rebuild them...can't think of anything else to do - I've tried everything I know.

...gotta call Joe Curto to get kits next week...#$%@...will probably go with Hap's suggestion & toss the Grose'

...never had something like this happen before!
It's magic.
Bugeye58 said:
Guys, if the engine runs until it empties the float bowls, the supply tube from the bowl to the jet is obviously open.

I just went back and read the first post... I'm a dummy, I'm a dummy... /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wall.gif

NEW needles 'n seats, yes, the Viton ones. We've had this GROSS jet discussion before...
Hey, Doc, now you're spelling "Grose" the same way I do. Incidentally, most people pronounce it phonetically, as if it were English. Its actually pronounced "kraapp".
ahhh.. der cherman prgggonunciation!

...I never could get th' hang of that gutteral 'trill' they do...
I even spoke with Tony yesterday and he was real proud of those grose valves. Pitch and replace Tony. The standard type only work for about 10 to 20 years so they will do for us old guys.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]I even spoke with Tony yesterday and he was real proud of those grose valves.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I'm actually real proud of those carbs...I bought this car in '94 or '95 &, other than spraying carb cleaner up in the carbs annually, I have never had to do anything to them (or the engine - other than tune ups!)...I could let the car sit all winter, put a battery in it & go for a ride in the Spring - all these years, never a problem....one of my favorite cars

....last time I parked it, I decided to "winterize" it! BAH HUMBURG!! I drained everything & fogged the carbs - now she won't run....I'll never do that again!

So, today I order major rebuild kits for the carbs &, while I'm waiting on them, I'll do a tuneup to the ignition (new points, plugs, rotor, cap)...initially, after I got the fuel bowls to flow properly, I thought it might be an ignition problem but once I looked at & cleaned the plugs & checked the points, I knew it was carb related.

Only other thing I've found is the metal vacuum line appears to have a tiny crack where its been bent...but that wouldn't keep it from running - it might make it run poorly, but it would still run!

(....& to make matters worse: theAutoist doesn't have 1 piece of used HS-4 carb stuff! I recently sold everything - I mean everything - HS4 carb related to a shop as cores/parts & didn't keep even a screw for myself! So I can't even go out to my storage buildings & pull an old jet to try out!)
I know this thought could be controversial, but have you considered taking known good carbs off another of your cars and trying them?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]I know this thought could be controversial, but have you considered taking known good carbs off another of your cars and trying them?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately - or fortunately depending on how you look at it - this is the only car on which I've kept HS4's...all my other cars have been converted to HIF-4's...I could pull a set but I've got too much to do to disable another car....heck, I've gotta get my '74-1/2 GT ready to drive this weekend since this one & my '79 B are awaiting parts!

So the moral of this story is that you should never rid yourself completely of all bits & pieces of something you could use for spare parts.

(something I should learn, I can not believe I lost the radiator trim bracket for my MGC somewhere... Now to find out they are a very difficult piece to find again...)

At least you have plenty of other cars to drive and tinker with while you wait for new parts to arrive!
And spoil all this fun, sigh.
and that brings us back to "never throw it all out until the car is done!" /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/jester.gif

granted the original statement was in reference to restoring/repairing a car, and not in reference to a previously known good car.

eh... where was i going with this?/bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
The way I got into this LBC parts world was I never got rid of anything & actually went out & bought at least one parts car for each of my cars...however, things grew & grew & grew until - well, everybody knows "theAutoist"....

Now that my stock level has gotten so huge, from time-to-time, guys come through buying stock for their rebuild businesses..one time I'll sell a trailer load of my front suspension items, another all my shocks...this time it was all my HS4 & most of my HIF-4 carb bits.....heck, Glenn Towry even drove down from Deleware once to load up a trailer with all my fenders & hoods.....

When that happens I usually haven't had a need for one of those parts for years - however, immediately afterwards I always need exactly what I sold....luckily I was able to contact the guy who recently got all my HS4 stuff & he's bringing me what I need tomorrow....& Moss will have a new rebuild kit to me first of week (couldn't believe that with several rebuild kits on the shelf I don't have the one I need! But, isn't that the way it is?)

Oh well, I'll just switch over to getting my '74-1/2 GT ready while I wait for the rebuild kit!
Now he's having fun with the rest of us. Hehe, waiting on parts.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]Now he's having fun with the rest of us. Hehe, waiting on parts.

Oh well, I'll just switch over to getting my '74-1/2 GT ready while I wait for the rebuild kit![/QUOTE]

See Jack, another reason for buying another Bugeye!
If your fuel pump is not putting out at a high enough pressure, the engine will run but then shut down when the fuel pump can't keep up with it. Could be you need a new fuel pump. It happened to me.

Good Luck
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