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Saving Posts


Darth Vader
I see so much great info on the forum that I really would like to copy and paste into a file so I can check it out when I need it. All of my attempts have failed, is anyone doing that and if so, how?

Thanks, Tinkerman
I saw some interesting instructions about setting the timing on a TR the other day that I knew I would never find again if I wanted to refer to it. So, I copied the text and put it into a Word document. I suppose you could be really organised and have files for each subject containing various documents.
Mornin Nick:
Did you copy and paste it ito an existing word document? I guess my question is what did you actually do to make it happen?
Thanks, Tinkerman
Hmmm - couple ideas:

Just Bookmark (or "Favorite") the thread.

Do a File/SavePage in your browser.

Do a File/Print in your Browser, and choose "Save as PDF".

Any questions - feel free to ask. I've been doing all three, but prefer the bookmark and PDF methods.

PS - I tried the Copy/Paste into Word just once. For me it was really klunky unless I only wanted to copy a single post in a thread. Usually I want to keep the entire thread.

I keep a file of useful items from the the Triumph email list. When I want to save an item from the Forum I copy and paste it into an email, add a suitable subject line and store it with those other emails.

Fortunately I've always had good luck with the archival search on the Forum so usually I just rely on that.
Sorry, yes you would have to copy each individual bit of text into a Word document. I thought you were only wanting to copy one response or bit of info at a time.
Yes Nick I really want to copy a post here and there as it fits my needs. I found that I can email a reply to myself and then I put it into my own archival system. Where I work I do a lot of copy and paste stuff and I thought if I could do it with the posts it would be easier. I certainly thank you Nick and the others who gave me their thoughts, gotta love the BCF!
Regards, Tinkerman
Tinkerman: Doesn't it work for you to hightlight the
text you want; right click the highlighted area;
click on copy; then open a page in any word processing
package; right click there and paste?

Think that's what I do and seems to work.

Bingo, 2wrench. I finally got it to work. much easier then emailing my self. Tried it before but wasn't doing something right. It's 7am and I'm guess im bright eyed and bushy tailed enough this morning to get it to work. Yea!
Thanks, Tinkerman
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