The stock spoiler attaches with three bolts along the front, and two on the ends that you reach from inside the front fender. The new spoiler had a place to attach to the one of the front holes, and tabs to connect at the stock locations inside the fender. I decided to use nylon hardware, my thinking is that if I were to hit something, perhaps the hardware would let go instead of shattering the fiberglass. I used a #10 screw on the center, and also added two holes inside the wheel well (the only two holes I had to make in the car for this). For the mounts inside the fenders, I used epoxy to attach two 1/4" flanged nuts to the fiberglass tabs, and nylon bolts with stainless steel fender washers.
I used some silver-gray welting intended for Trans Am wheel arches. I'm not 100% happy with that yet, there are some sharp bends that could be improved. I tried to overlap the welting, thinking that I couldn't make a nice miter, but I'll need to put some more effort into that. I used gel super glue to tack the welting to the spoiler while installing it.
I plan to paint it body color as some point. I considered black, thinking it might tie into the black lower body. But I found a picture of red TR7 with a similar spoiler in black, and it is just too much black up there.