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Growing Old

Only because you cannot get the younger people to do it. Takes businesses forever to book an appointment and you just get tired of waiting.
Fell off a ladder doing fascia boards in March. Knee replacement and rotator cuff surgery ensued, from which I am still in physical therapy. 3 weeks as inpatient. So, I get the point.
Fell off a ladder doing fascia boards in March. Knee replacement and rotator cuff surgery ensued, from which I am still in physical therapy. 3 weeks as inpatient. So, I get the point.
Reminds me of the time I had a leak in the front yard and thought it would be a good idea to dig down 4 feet in heavy mud to fix the leak. Within a couple of days, shoulder locked up tight (frozen shoulder syndrome). Took a couple of months of therapy to regain most of my motion.
Frozen Shoulder copy.jpeg
Therapy can ruin a whole lot of time.