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Back to the future...


Great Pumpkin
Today was a nice day to work on the car and the gasket setup had dried overnight, so out to the garage we go. I decided to remove the aluminum valve cover and install the newly chromed cover as well as redo the emission lines and fix an annoying little leak at the banjo nut on the intake manifold. The oil is now topped off and we'll see what the usage is from here.

Last view of aluminum cover, if the oil issues goes back to wherever it came from:
valvecover 004 (Custom).jpg

Next view is the sneaky little gaskets that started to leak. I didn't have new ones when I switched manifolds, so you can see that they were shot. TRF #WF513 in case anyone needs to know:
valvecover 006 (Custom).jpg

valvecover 007 (Custom).jpg

And lastly, the after. Please notice, TR6Bill and Kodanja, that I now have the "official" red rag in the photo.

valvecover 009 (Custom).jpg

valvecover 010 (Custom).jpg
Brosky said:
Please notice, TR6Bill and Kodanja, that I now have the "official" red rag in the photo.


Now all you have to do is find some grease to use it.

The cover looks great Paul!

Hey, Paul I find all your photos very helpful; my DPO bolloxed up all the smog stuff on my car. I noticed your not using the EGR valve. Are your carbs fittings simply capped off? I'm thinking about the bigger opening on the rear carb, and the smaller opening on each, towards the front. (If that makes sense).

Have you put in a secondary hood release as well? Can't tell from the pix... The first thing I did was put in Mark Macy's kit, and it works well. Thanks again for all the photos!
Hey Big Brother!!

Beautiful to behold.

Any hand-me-downs that no longer fit,
you just send them to your little brother c/o
the Salvation Army PR with my name on them!!

Hey, I've got a bucket of K-Mart (only slightly used)
bolts and nuts. Nice mixture of metric and American.
You need any? Oh yeah, you need a Jap master brake
cylinder? I got one for ya. For free too!

Paul - that looks excellent! If not already, you'll soon be in the "polish everything under the bonnet every time you open the bonnet" mode.

Well done sir.

Look at the next to the last picture and you will see the secondary latch and rod through the right panel on the side of the hood latch assembly. I got mine from Macy's garage.

Dale, have you installed the one sitting in the box yet?
Thanks, Tom. I like it more too, now that I've had a chance to step back and look it over.

Joe, because I'm an old fuddy dud, I always use Indian Head Shellac to glue down valve covers, oil pans, timing covers, etc. mainly because they are made of cork or paper. I put a very light even coat on the cover and the gasket and let them each sit for about 30 minutes. Then I join them together and put pressure on them to insure that that stay together. After sitting for 12-20 hours, I put a very light coat on the remaining surface of the gasket and install it on the engine.

Tom, I have a rule about that. I wipe the engine down (if it needs it) after long runs and when I wash the car, which are usually in the same time frame. It doesn't take much to keep it up, but I am not and will not be a slave to it. I'll let you know what I do after the micropolished triple carbs and intake are on the car. I'm not sure if that will be a lot of up keep or not.
I agree with tomshobby the chrome cover does look better
and your engine compartment is nicely detailed.

I also would like mention that, my roots are also from
Pennsylvania. Just over the hill from Johnstown,
Spangler/Barnesboro area. Graduated from Northern
Cambria High School 1964. Still have a sister that
lives just outside of Altoona, little place called

I lived in Hollidaysburg outside of Altoona
while I communted to University. $ years in
strip mine territory was interesting. Still
remember the Horseshoe Curve on the RR.

A very small world indeed. I grew up in Johnstown, actually East Conemaugh. Now I live in RI and I'm comparing TR6 notes with a guy in PR who was probably drinking at the same bars in State College as me and another in California who probably bumped into me at a high school football game along the way.

All because of the love of these weird little cars and that darn beast in Puerto Rico.
Can't even begin to remember how many pony bottles
of Rolling Rock and slabs of pizza I consumed at
State College parties.

I was driving a Corvair Monza Spyder "Back in the day"!

tr6_easyrider said:
I also would like mention that, my roots are also from
Pennsylvania. Just over the hill from Johnstown,
Spangler/Barnesboro area. Graduated from Northern
Cambria High School 1964. Still have a sister that
lives just outside of Altoona, little place called

I drove to The Roadster Factory over in Armagh, not too far from that area, a few years ago (with a rental from Harrisburg, at a dental conference.). Almost got run over by the coal trucks. Have any of you ever been to TRF? After talking to Dave for years, ordering parts and talking tech, I walked in to the counter up to the crudgity figure behind the phone and said "Hello!". Dave said, "Bill Karam!" Unbelievable.
I help Dave with the drag races and autocross every year at the Summer Party. Good man.
I used to go to TRF quite often during restorations. Only stop by now when friends need parts since I'm in the area every Monday.
'nother western PA native here... but I've reformed, I swear. The "World Market" has seen distribution of Rolling Rock and Yuengling here in Florida. Can't seem to get away... /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/jester.gif
I keep begging Rolling Rock to appoint a Canuck distributor without success. You guys talkin about rollers makes a guy thirsty.
"Shirley, gimme a large pepperoni and a bucket of rocks"

fondly remember those first mini-skirts as well!!


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