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928 ownership [a year in revew]


Well sort'a. Its really a recap of a tragic sequence of events that where linked to one another. Not a rant really, but be warned it is kind of long and ugly.

Lets just call this particular submission (as there’ll be others I’m sure)…

The "Domino effect".

Oh sure I've had *other* problems & issues with my Porsche 928 that I’ve more or less muddled through. But in all my days of working on cars – no group of problems seemingly un-related cause me so much heartache. All of the following transpired over the last year give or take a couple of months.

At first I’m having electrical issues – Alternator not putting out the expected current. Voltage dropped below 12Vs with all accessories on. But the problem became clear when my alternator just up & quit on me. Replacing the Alternator everything seems ok so I figured I had that problem licked. (Yea – you’d like to think so wouldn’t ya?)

Moving forward a few months I started noticing an oil stains on my concrete that seemed to be *engine* oil – but despite many hours under the car, I could never find the offending leak. Not an excessive amount mind you – but the stain was getting progressively worse as time went on. But fresh spots only appeared after the engine had been ran for a time & reached normal operating temperature. But as hard as I tried I was never able to put my finger on the seal or gasket that was leaking. In fact standing in front of the vehicle the whole right side of the engine & in fact most of the suspension on that side of the engine bay seemed really grimy. Not a lot of oil mind you just greasy & grimy with no telltale source. Short term fix – bought a drip pan or parked in the street.

I spend the next several months trying to sort out the source of the oil leak when I start noticing my dash coolant warning light coming on from time to time. Well sure enough the coolant was a little low but only enough to drop below the sensor in the expansion tank. I’d simply top it off and wouldn’t see the problem for another week or two. Not water in the oil? No water or steam visible? Perplexing, isn’t it?

It wasn’t until a little over two months ago that I discovered that the cause of the coolant loss was that one of my radiator’s end caps had a teeny tiny pin-hole leak. Shazbot! (not the real vernacular used /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ) At temp the pin hole was spraying directly on the right side of my engine bay and soaking the Alternator (possible cause of the failure? Doh!) as splattering the power steering fluid all over the place on that side of the engine bay.

Fast forward after replacing the radiator (New C&R Aluminum unit) I decide it was wise to replace the coolant hoses and the thermostat too. Well in hind sight perhaps that wasn’t the best decision I ever made, because after about a month or so of dealing with seized & broken bolts in the thermostat cross over and one of the adjoining heads - I finally got everything back together again.

I know, I know - some of you are wondering – “but what about the oil leak?” Well after I’d gotten it all back together again I spent a day just cleaned and wiped down everything in the engine bay. The thought being that with everything cleaned up – it should be easier to locate the leak. Especially now that the coolant wasn’t basically power blasting the oil all over the right side of the engine compartment anymore.

Well I was partially correct. Turns out that there is another source of *oil* in that area that I’d neglected to check. I’d forgotten that in between all this I’d had to add some power steering fluid a while back and to the PS reservoir. I wrongly assumed that the steering rack had a minor leak because the fluid level stayed pretty steady over the following months. I figured at the time that I had bigger fish to fry for now and would address that problem later never realizing that my oil leak wasn’t OIL at all, but was actually Power steering fluid.

Turned out the leak was the PS hose from the bottom of the reservoir to the PS pump. But it only leaked (weeped really) when the pump was on. The hose was basically just old & cracked towards the top – kind of out of sight and not openly apparent to the casual observer unless you stuck your head right down in there. This hose passed within an inch of where the Radiator pin hole leak was & was actually blasting the leaking fluid all over the right side of the engine, the PS pump and the “Alternator”.

Saga over & doing the math those two little leaks cost me a lot of money & valuable time better spend driving my cars.

Is there a moral of the story. Naw just that lesser (or smarter maybe) men would’ve simply given up and cut their losses.

Ok Doc & Tony or anybody else – here’s your chance to say “I told ya’ so”.

I still love my Shark! /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbsup.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]Ok Doc & Tony or anybody else – here’s your chance to say “I told ya’ so”. [/QUOTE]

Not gonna do it - uh uh - not gonna

....'cides, you got a Porsche & I don't!
Typical love/hate story, ain't it? We've all been there, Bret. No "Told ya so's" here!

Has it really been a year? /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
Mickey Richaud said:
Typical love/hate story, ain't it? We've all been there, Bret. No "Told ya so's" here!

Has it really been a year? /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
I wasn't sure it'd been a year yet myself. But to be safe I confirmed it by looking at my old posts an sure enough it was almost a year to the day that I brought her home.

Sorry that sometimes I rib ya a bit, but I am only joking.

Your persistance has been great for this past year.

I never had that much patience or money to keep my early 911. Did I ever tell you my friend has a yellow 944 turbo with almost $40k in it. It is flashy, fast as can be and I always tell him, it is just not for me.

I personally find more fun in driving a slower car hard, then a fast car easy. Any how, great work and I still love the rims.

cheers my friend!



btw, maybe we need a ride to be converted /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
Like I said I've had *other issues* but none so closely related to one another.

Short list of things I’ve had to fix.
Interior lighting:
Corrosion on switches & contacts.
Exterior lights Same as above. Schematics, a multi-meter and some contact cleaner was all that was needed.
Dash lights didn’t work; PO gave me a mini Mag flashlight when I purchase it. Tried to replace the incandescent lights with LEDs but that caused more problems so I repaired the damaged components and got it working on my own. I mean I am an Electrical engineer after all so I had the skills to make it work. Fact is it’s probably better than it was out of the factory. Good thing to as the dash electrical overlay isn’t made anymore.
Ignition switch would cut out on me and wouldn’t allow you to re-start without banging on it. Replace with an expensive NOS part.

Drive train:
left rear teeth chattering vibration. Berrings shot – replaced with NOS part.
Shifter broke. Forward shifter link (ball socket) came apart. No real reason - just old worn out part that needed replacing – about 3-4 years ago.

Other stuff:
A/C not working
various components failed. But seeings as I ain’t a HVAC guy this is one of the few things I actually broke down & paid someone else to do it for me. If you own a black car – AC is a must!

Also I still have a short "to do" list:

Windshield & headlamp washers don't work.
Not such a pressing issue living in Southern Kalifornia.
The horn doesn’t work! Kind'a scary sometimes because folks in big SUVs just don't see me down low to the ground. Only my cat like reflexes saved me once form some old gal backing over me in her 4x4 Excursion when she was backing out of her parking spot at the mall. :grr: Actually I just floored it, closed my eyes & crossed my fingers hoping to get out’a her way before she hit me. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Exterior: Paint still needs some work.
Plan on buffing as much as I can - but I think I'm going to eventually have to flip the dime for a re-blow.
Interior: Upper Door panels need to be re-done.

There are other items but most of them are all tiny stuff that I can live with or have fixed already.
tony barnhill said:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]Ok Doc & Tony or anybody else – here’s your chance to say “I told ya’ so”.

Not gonna do it - uh uh - not gonna

....'cides, you got a Porsche & I don't! [/QUOTE]
I got a good chuckle when I read your post Tony, Funny thing is it takes a pretty thick skin to be a 928 owner. I get no love from fellow P-car owners for the most part. And yet get even less love from folks who think I'm some stuck up Porsche guy. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

I actually had some guy say to me after looking at my Shark and MG – “so you really like them *foreign* jobs don’t you”. I looked at him and said “Bill, you drive a Honda. So get off my case will ya?” /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
Heck, that list of things worked on & 'to do's" reads like an MG!!
Ok so we've heard from Mickey, Pat, Steve & Tony. Now I know they'll be some others who'll chime in to, but what inquiring minds are waiting for is Doc to come down from high and render his ruling.

I only commented on how time has flown, nothing more. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Your ability to do most, if not all, of the work yourself has definitely helped reduce the cost of ownership. Still came out less than the monthly payments on a boring econobox for a year......
Th' mind reels.

Not at the tasklist, but that it's already been a year.

Obviously I haven't yet given you enough stick over it. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/devilgrin.gif

Had I been quicker to see the post it woulda been a twin to Tony's comment. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

On the serious side, lesser men would have thrown their hands inna air and walked. You're one stubborn bastage, Bret. I admire ya fer it. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbsup.gif

...'sides, you drive a Porsche and I don't...

couldn't be helped. reflex reaction. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
Bret, you're a brave man for driving the Shark! I've always greatly admired the 928 from the first year of production. Beautiful, fast car.

A friend purchsed a 944 Turbo awhile back, he had so much trouble with it that he was compelled to sell after about 5,000 miles/8 months. If I recall, and windshield wiper motor cost over $300!

I'm with the "keep it simple" mantra: I'm sticking with old motorcycles and LBCs. My bank account can stand anything else! /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thirsty.gif
vagt6 said:
I'm with the "keep it simple" mantra: I'm sticking with old motorcycles and LBCs. My bank account can stand anything else! /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thirsty.gif
And there in lays the issue I think. Not that you need money, for if that was the case I’d of surely thrown in the towel long ago. But that I am willing and luckily happen to have the ability to do the work myself. Oh sure there are some deep pocketed P-car owners out there no doubt. But I noticed early on that most Shark owners tend to be a little different and in most cases have the abilities to maintain these vehicles themselves. Not unlike our own stout hearted little group of LBC owners. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

No room for posers in the 928 community - that’s what the Boxster & Cayenne are for. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif


They'll admire you for th' 928 until you tell 'em you do your OWN work.
Hard as I try I can't hide the grease under me fingernails. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
Bret said:
I actually had some guy say to me after looking at my Shark and MG – “so you really like them *foreign* jobs don’t you”. I looked at him and said “Bill, you drive a Honda. So get off my case will ya?” /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

What's up with that? It's not "imported;" it's "foreign." I absolutely *LOVE* people who use the word "foreign", with a healthy disdain, to describe my cars at car shows. They're usually musclecar guys or Corvette-driving blokes who, mentally, are still stuck in high school. I like to believe there's a special place for those people. I like to beleive that place is very warm. Very, very warm.
besides, buying a "Domestic" branded car these days DOESN'T necessarily mean that you bought a car made IN the U.S.A.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:]besides, buying a "Domestic" branded car these days DOESN'T necessarily mean that you bought a car made IN the U.S.A.[/QUOTE]

...& buying a 'foreign' car might really be buying one made in the US...Mercedes made in Alabama, BMW in South Carolina, Nissan in Tennessee, Toyota in various places in the US, etc.
I try to keep my money in the U.S. as much as I can. Having said that I don't own a "U.S." car.

Not long ago I drove my Toyota truck to a Dodge dealership to drop someone off and while looking around at some of the trucks the salesman asked about my Toyota and said he thought they were a nice truck but shook his head and said most people they sell to are interested in the Tundras, but want to buy American. He asked me what percent was U.S. and I said the sticker said 100% US parts and assembly. I asked about the Dodge and he walked away! I looked at the sticker and that thing was one global traveler! There were countries I never knew built car parts on there. I'm sure it's a great truck, and I know a good amount of the tundra $ goes to corporate in Japan, but at this point I feel better about helping the blue collar worker in the U.S..

Sorry to continue the thread "diversion". /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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