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TR2/3/3A TR3 choke cable woes

We got the springs from Moss.

I spent some time last night thinking about this while trying to sleep. It occurs to me that we sort of went about the whole process backward, connecting the cable first then attempting to get the jets sorted, and so on...

I think instead a better solution would have been to get the connecting rod length correct first. Remove the slack from both jet actuators (by holding them in place), then adjust the rod so that any movement of one jet has the identical effect on the other jet. Once that rod length is set, then remove the slack again (by hand), and attach the cable.

I believe the sloppy nature of the linkage is actually what's causing the mechanism to bind slightly, and that removing the slack will have the desired result.
My technique too....I'll mumble something in the dark and the wife will say "finally got it figured out?".....
Maybe it’s so obvious it doesn’t deserve mention whenever this topic comes up, but it seems to me that without depressing the accelerator pedal first and then pulling on the choke, one is moving the whole linkage against all of the springs with the choke cable and fast idle cam. A minimal amount of leverage compared to the pedal.

If this is insultingly obvious to everyone, I whole heartedly apologize.

1955 TR2
Hi Craig. Same thing happened to me. Took two feet against the dash and both hands on the knob to get the cable to pull. Here's what I did to fix it:

- checked to make sure I could lower the jets by hand without them binding (that determined the hang was the jets, and not in the cable or linkage). The jets were indeed very tight.

- removed and polished the jets (I used toothpaste, but don't tell anybody ...)

- put vaseline on the seals

- re-attached and re-adjusted the linkage, to make sure the first "inch" of cable pull only activated the cold idle cam and did *not* start to pull the jets down

Hope this helps. I'll scout out my original thread on this for you.

Instead of removing and polishing the jets, could you just drop the jets down and add a tiny bit of lithium grease? Isn’t part of the problem the routing of the cable sheath under the dash. Too many sharp turns?
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