If you number the head bolts on the drivers side of the engine from the front to the back as numbers 1 through 8, and the right (passenger)side of the engine from front to back as numbers 9 through 16, (left hand drive car), Then:
The first bolt you tighten is the number 12 bolt (4th back right side), the second bolt is 4 (4th back left side), then numbers 13, 5, 11, 6, 14, 3, 10, 7, 15, 2, 9, 8, 1, and finally 16 (back bolt right side). FIT ALL BOLTS FINGER TIGHT, AND TIGHTEN EACH IN THE ABOVE ORDER ONE TURN AT A TIME TO 75 FT/LBS. Esentially the pattern is from the engine center outward.
When I retorque, I loosen the each bolt and retighten to specs. You can't get a proper torque without loosening first.