I'd like to hear from anyone who has used a product that successfully repaired minor scratches on leather upholstery such as the one shown here:
I used Zymol "Leather Cleaner" followed by Griot's "Leather Care" (a combined cleaner and conditioner), and while that improved (lessened) the scratch, it's still there. Anyone know of any silver bullets - miracle products! - that handle minor leather damage such as this? Maybe Griot's "Leather Rejuvenator"? (I'm not stuck on Griot's products, but have had uniformly good results with them.)
I used Zymol "Leather Cleaner" followed by Griot's "Leather Care" (a combined cleaner and conditioner), and while that improved (lessened) the scratch, it's still there. Anyone know of any silver bullets - miracle products! - that handle minor leather damage such as this? Maybe Griot's "Leather Rejuvenator"? (I'm not stuck on Griot's products, but have had uniformly good results with them.)